Sunday, November 22, 2009

My favorite club

Every week I am able to spend time with the students at Anatolia who are interested in an International Relations career. I alternate my time between taking them to the French Ambassador’s home for coffee, croissants, and conversation and taking an additional group to the American Embassy to enjoy Pepsi, pastries and presentations. The students lead all discussions, selecting topics from their interests and researching material in advance. They are small groups of around 10 students who have unique opportunities to spend time with actual Consulate Generals and Ambassadors. I got this program up and running about a month ago, and the students couldn’t make me prouder. They are truly interested in the effects of piracy (and pirates!) on the world, as well as educating youth across nations. One of my students even knew the answer to Ambassador King’s question regarding the number one action that could be taken to prevent terrorism: education a nations’ women. Not only do the students have considerable knowledge on international affairs, but they couple them with defended positions.

Another one of my students made a comment last week that has spurred our next topic of debate: why do we waste our time and effort fighting each other when there are bigger things that we are up against—natural disasters, poverty, and disease. I will be interested to see what the students come up with as their stances for this argument as I believe one of the IB (International Baccalaureate) assignments is to read on the positive effects of war. I’ll keep you posted as to the comments and positions the students take for this highly anticipated debate.

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